日本の絶景/Breathtaking view spot in Japan



  1. 京都の金閣寺(Kinkaku-ji): 金箔で覆われた美しい寺院で、季節ごとの庭園も楽しめます。歴史と静けさが心地よいです。
  2. 東京の浅草寺(Asakusa Temple): 古い街並みが残る浅草エリアにある寺院で、雷門をくぐり、縁起物を手に入れましょう。
  3. 奈良の鹿公園(Nara Deer Park): 自由に歩き回る鹿たちと触れ合える公園で、奈良の歴史と自然が一体となっています。
  4. 広島の原爆ドーム(Hiroshima Peace Memorial): 平和記念公園にある原爆ドームは、戦争の悲劇を背負った歴史的な建造物です。
  5. 北海道の美瑛町(Biei): 美しい風景が続く美瑛町は、絶え間ない緑と美しい丘で有名です。四季折々の風景が楽しめます。
  6. 富士山(Mt.Fuji):新幹線で東京から静岡へ向かう途中、窓から望むことができるのは、まさに日本の誇りである富士山の美しい姿です。特に、静岡方面への新幹線は、途中で富士山が一際大きくそびえ立つ瞬間があります。富士山の雄大な姿を見ながら、旅の興奮が高まります。また、清水の港からフェリーで富士山を望むこともできます。清水港からのフェリーは、富士山をバックにした壮大な景色が楽しめる贅沢な船旅です。特に、富士山が朝日や夕日に照らされる瞬間は、まさに絶景の一言。船上から眺める富士山は、美しさに圧倒されることでしょう。これらの絶景スポットでは、富士山の荘厳な存在を存分に感じることができます。ぜひ、旅の途中や船上から、その美しさに心を奪われてください。

    出典:スーツ 旅行 / Suit Travel

  7. 銀山温泉(Ginzan Onsen):銀山温泉は、日本の絶景スポットの一つとして知られています。山々に囲まれた静かな渓谷に位置し、豊かな自然に囲まれた温泉地です。ここでは、温泉に入りながら四季折々の美しい景色を楽しむことができます。



    出典:スーツ 旅行 / Suit Travel



Welcome to Japan, everyone! Japan is a wonderful country where beautiful nature and rich history come together. Please explore the following tourist spots to fully enjoy the charm of Japan.

  1. Kinkaku-ji in Kyoto: A stunning temple covered in gold leaf, with seasonal gardens that add to its beauty. The blend of history and tranquility is truly delightful.
  2. Asakusa Temple in Tokyo: Located in the historic Asakusa area with old-fashioned streets, the temple features the Thunder Gate, and you can get your hands on some good luck charms.
  3. Nara Deer Park: A park where you can freely interact with roaming deer, creating a harmonious blend of Nara’s history and nature.
  4. Hiroshima Peace Memorial (Atomic Bomb Dome): Located in Peace Memorial Park, the Atomic Bomb Dome stands as a historic symbol burdened with the tragedy of war.
  5. Biei in Hokkaido: Known for its beautiful landscapes, Biei offers endless greenery and picturesque hills. You can enjoy the changing scenery throughout the seasons.
  6. Mt.Fuji: While traveling on the Shinkansen from Tokyo to Shizuoka, you’ll have the incredible opportunity to witness the majestic beauty of Mount Fuji through the train window. Especially on the Shinkansen routes heading towards Shizuoka, there are moments when Mount Fuji stands tall and magnificent, creating an awe-inspiring scene. Watching the grandeur of Mount Fuji from the train enhances the excitement of your journey.Additionally, you can enjoy a spectacular view of Mount Fuji from a ferry departing from Shimizu Port. The ferry ride from Shimizu Port offers a luxurious experience with the breathtaking backdrop of Mount Fuji. Particularly during sunrise or sunset, the moment when Mount Fuji is illuminated by the changing colors of the sky is truly a sight to behold. Viewing Mount Fuji from the deck of the ferry is an overwhelming experience of beauty.In these scenic spots, you can fully appreciate the solemn presence of Mount Fuji. Whether it’s during your train journey or aboard a ferry, let yourself be captivated by the sheer beauty of Mount Fuji.

    source:Suit Travel

  7. Ginzan Onsen:Ginzan Onsen is renowned as one of Japan’s breathtaking spots. Nestled in a tranquil valley surrounded by mountains, it’s a hot spring resort embraced by abundant nature. Here, you can immerse yourself in the soothing hot springs while enjoying the beautiful scenery that changes with the seasons.

    One of the distinctive features of Ginzan Onsen is the high quality of its spring water. The hot springs have moisturizing effects, leaving your skin feeling soft and rejuvenated. They also offer therapeutic benefits, relieving the body of fatigue. Surrounded by trees and the gentle sound of the river, the area provides a serene environment where you can not only indulge in the hot springs but also be healed by nature.

    For foreign tourists eager to experience Japan’s hot spring culture, Ginzan Onsen is an ideal destination. In this tranquil mountain retreat, you can fully immerse yourself in the soothing hot springs and embrace the essence of Japan’s relaxing hot spring culture.

    source:Suit Travel

Each spot is filled with the unique charm of Japan. Please create many wonderful memories during your visit!
